Wend and furrow: survey plains creeks mountain slopes valleys cut deserts and deep caves

Appear, reappear unwitnessed in intervals unmeasured by the rot of microcosmic squares

A landscape conceived and framed and forgotten, now stagnant fragments with no sum part

Take inventory of river silt swamp coal lava beds veins of ore thrust up along canyon faults

Decaying dandelion hills small stream cobble path tilled earth acacia door crops cobwebs

Touch gently: spruce stairs amethyst buds narrow blue beds in the homes of those long gone

Each memento solemnly removed on a still night, souvenirs become monuments for the before

Here is how we live together in this world; relics held by many held all at once across time

Jukebox dead bush deepslate petrified oak logs cascade upwards in reverse superposition

Extraction is a small simple task done by empty hands, back turned to old dreams of nature

Do your work: erode basalt columns plough coarse fields lift snow like a blanket off the land

Every square gap in this rubbled tundra creates a new landscape gradually more beautiful

New spaces made by what is dug out transform the texture of air as it rushes to the vacuum

Generated structures unspool methodically in bursts of uncreation corroding marks of time

Rills in sand cede to wastewater, corrugated dunes evaporate by grains, calm eyes counting

Listen deep: foliations of granite and stone meeting stalactite bodies running rough down

From under and within what is no longer, histories read in pixel stratum and tomographies

A world emptied of memories, but one needs no memory when one can carry everything always

It remains hard to fathom this ambition left dormant in structures unearthed down to bedrock

Now relief as every last block comes unstored, returning after a spell under a different sun.