we have bred a new animal; its
throat shark-thick with teeth that
shiver in the cold
commissioned to
take ill but never satisfied; its
belly brimming with better sons in
fratriphagal wait
wasting away
from there want begets want; its
great white point plunging through
deep dark plumbing
viscera warm
ready to wrench itself free; its
vast totality left to the drink and
sweet iron scent
of its own end

The Panther crawls onward,
muzzle brimming with void;
relentless tread furrowing
the fertile soil below. Within a graven frame,
a tempered heart dreams of
being sated, another feast
of old bone churns to dust

clear blue eyes sparkle with false daybreak while
far below, the small dances of people
and the tangle of atoms
gain a sudden
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